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Showing posts from 2021

This world is not my home

  As I was worshiping God and have been worried about if I'll be in the rapture and trying so intently and determined to keep my eyes on God. I asked HIM if HE would comfort and  also bring me closer to HIM and be perfect in HIS sight and right with HIM. I came across videos on YouTube of how I shouldn't be listening to secular music because lucifer (satan) was once an angel who lead worship; it made me uncomfortable because I love Ariana Grande, Britney Spears, Shakira (Etc.) and it was hard for me because I'm used to that. With all this warnings and everything it seemed new and insane and that everything with it was foreign to me and  that it's real. I asked God to make me comfortable in HIM and not of this world and I know there is some Christian singers that can be worldly and secular and I didn't know what to do because I love the artists that I discovered when I become fully focused on God at a time before now but I started listening to the ones in my playlist...